Недавно сам написао чланак за добрим људима на СхаерПоинтБриефинг.цом на општи образац за спроводи Цруд у СхареПоинт Десигнер. Ево теасер:
Цео чланак овде: http://sharepointbriefing.com/features/article.php/3889486/Create-Update-Delete-Patterns-with-SharePoint-Designer-Workflow.htm
Цхецк ит оут!
Следите ме на Туиттер на http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Thanks for being such contributor. Do you have more step-by-step explanation of custom list workflow creation and setup?
Ћао, sorry for never responding. I hope you found an answer to your question(с).