Учење на тежи начин — ДМЗ ВФЕ Мора бити у домену

Иако то није буквално истина, у практичном смислу, Интернет суочава веб предњи крај у ДМЗ мора бити у домену (и.е. није неки самостални сервер у свом малом радној групи). То не треба да буде у истом домену као унутрашње ВФЕ(с) и другим серверима (и вероватно не би требало), but it needs to be a domain.

My colleagues and I spent an inordinate amount of time on a proposal which included SharePoint pre-requisites. This included a comprehensive list of firewall configurations that would enable the DMZ server to join the farm and so forth. Нажалост, we failed to add a sentence somewhere that said, to the effect, "the whole bloody point of this configuration is to allow your DMZ WFE server, in a domain, to join the internal farm."

A perfect storm of events, where we basically looked left when we might have looked right, conspired to hide this problem from us until fairly late in the process, thus preventing me from invoking my "tell bad news early" rule.


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