I’m working at a client site and needed to install windows workflow foundation so that I could so some SharePoint Designer work. (Sikujua mpaka leo kwamba SPD installs faini lakini kwa kweli inahitaji angalau NET. 2.0 na Windows Workflow Foundation kuwa kweli inatumika; Mimi daima kudhani hizo zilifungwa pamoja na SPD, but I was wrong).
The client has a proxy server. No problem, I have credentials to get outside to the public Internets. I go to the usual place to download WWF (SPD helpfully provided me with a link). That download is really a bootstrap of sorts. It runs and figures out what else it needs to download. That second download process failed. It either does not try at all, or is somehow prevented from asking for proxy server credentials. It was a pretty hard crash, giving me the message:
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 has encountered a problem during setup. Setup did not complete successfully.
I tried to reboot and spent 10 seconds trying to figure out if I could get it to ask me for proxy server credentials. I gave up and went here instead: .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (Full Package).
I downloaded that package, installed and this time, no problems.
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Funny enough, for a while you couldn’t download .net 3.0 SP1 redistributable, so you were forced to grab the 3.5 and extract the portions required using the msiexec command set. Glad to see that everything worked out in the end