Kama sehemu ya juhudi inayoendelea kujifunza maelezo ya kiufundi kiwango cha chini cha SharePoint 2010, Nimekuwa umba "SharePoint Explorer"Aina ya chombo. Dhana hiyo siyo mpya. Nilikuwa mradi huu zaidi ya mara moja: http://sharepointexplorer.codeplex.com/. Wazo langu ni kujenga toleo SharePoint kwamba anatumia sehemu ya mtandao kushikamana na kuonyesha undani wote wa ngazi ya chini kuwa mfano kitu anaweza kutoa.
Post hii blog mtumishi kama tangazo wote wa mradi pamoja na wito kwa kujitolea. Kama wewe ni nia ya kufanya kazi katika mradi huu, napenda kujua kupitia barua pepe (galvin.paul @ gmail.com) na tutaweza kufanya kazi nje.
Hapa ni mradi: http://sp2010explorer.codeplex.com/
Kufuata yangu juu ya Twitter kwa http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Love the effort and it’s a good idea of trying to show everything the Sharepoint Object Model has to offer – but why would I use this over the Sharepoint Manager? http://spm.codeplex.com/
Right now I would see it as a playground to see how to access e.g. SPList and all of its properties, but really digging for information about all document libraries I have on my Sharepoint? I would use Sharepoint Manager.
Sorry for never replying. You’re right. It was meant to be a learning project and not really going to be a thing that would compete with an established tool like that. I never progressed it much.