This blog entry is more of an "in the realm of the possible" kuingia vs. saruji info.
We have a technical design that calls for us to create a site in a site collection via a manually launched workflow process. Kimsingi, users enter data into a "new customer" custom list and then when they have finished and validated the data entry process, we need to create a site for that customer.
I’m both a big fan of declarative workflow as well as a weak visual studio workflow programmer, so I wanted to meet the requirement using SharePoint Designer.
I plan to write about this in greater detail (and hopefully present to a user group or two in the coming year), but here’s the overall solution:
- Create a custom action that integrates with SPD.
- hatua desturi inaruhusu SPD waomba huduma ya mtandao na kupita kamba ya XML.
- Mtandao wa huduma locates mfululizo katika orodha ya desturi na inajenga tovuti mpya kama kwa data kwa mteja kuwa mpya kwa kutumia desturi tovuti ufafanuzi.
- Mtandao wa huduma kisha updates orodha desturi pamoja na baadhi ya habari kama vile kiungo na tovuti mpya.
Sisi kuchukuliwa njia nyingine, such as event handlers and visual studio based workflow. The SPD approach gives our end users a little more control over the process. Granted, kuna mengi ya C kanuni # katika ufumbuzi huu, lakini ni amefungwa ndani ya workflow declarative, ili tuweze kupata baadhi ya faida ya workflow declarative wakati hooking katika huduma tovuti kuundwa.
All we need now is an easy tool to automatically migrate SPD workflows around as easily as we can for visual studio workflows and we’ll really be cooking with gas I understand that some folk are out there working on this problem and I hope they have some good success with it soon.