Nimekuwa na bahati ya kuwa na nafasi ya kazi ya FAST <–> SharePoint ushirikiano wa mradi na nilifikiri d kuendelea kushiriki uzoefu wangu mdogo kwa jamii ya.
Microsoft ni katika mchakato wa ununuzi wa FAST. I don’t know anything about the schedule except that it should be finished in the "2nd quarter" ambayo mimi kudhani njia 06/30/08.
Mradi wangu wa kubuni, katika ngazi ya juu sana, wito kwa ajili ya kujenga sehemu ya mtandao chache ambazo zina takribani kuangalia huo, kujisikia na utendaji kama kiwango sanduku MOSS tafuta na msingi matokeo ya mtandao sehemu, but pulling from FAST. I’ve made some baby steps in that direction.
FAST is a dedicated search engine. It’s not based on Microsoft technology, ingawa ni dhahiri kwangu kwamba baadhi ya wahandisi FAST kuelewa wazi MS tech (au wameweza alifanya matumizi ya makandarasi).
FAST ni kubwa monster server bidhaa (na mimi si maana kwamba katika mtazamo mbaya; Moss ni kubwa monster bidhaa kwangu pia). It appears to be based on Java and I noticed some apache stuff and maybe some PHP. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were other bits of tech mixed in here and there. It definitely runs on windows server and is working fine in the virtual environment which I’ve been using.
It makes use of a facade web service that crawls SharePoint content for indexing in its special FAST way.
A SharePoint end user would be pretty much at home with FAST’s user interface. It has simple/advance search, inaonyesha matokeo, ni kubwa juu ya relevancy (ingawa mimi si kuona jinsi Hushughulikia relevancy kijamii). Hata hivyo, it does go further. Its stemming seems better. I really can’t articulate it well but I’ll just say "it’s better." You can take my word for it, or not 🙂 I may elaborate on this point in the future, kama mimi kujifunza zaidi.
FAST provides a .NET-friendly DLL that provides an interface to the FAST engine. This makes it possible for us to create web parts or application pages or whatever we want to query FAST and present the results.
Inaonekana kuna huduma ya mtandao interface pamoja.
I also have access to a FAST-provided web part that does integrate MOSS and FAST. I don’t know if this is a POC, something that was whipped up as a demo or what. It’s definitely a good learning tool, hana uhakika kama ni uzalishaji-tayari.
That’s it for now. As I progress through the project, Mimi itabidi baada ya zaidi.