Utekelezaji wa Mwalimu / Undani Mahusiano Kutumia Orodha Desturi

Forum users frequently as questions like this:

> Hujambo,
> Tafadhali niambie kama kuna uwezekano wa kujenga orodha ya desturi na
> bwana na undani aina (kama ankara) without using InfoPath.

SharePoint hutoa baadhi ya nje ya makala sanduku kwamba msaada wa aina ya mahitaji ya biashara kama kwamba.

Kwa ujumla, one links two lists together using a lookup column. List A contains the invoice header information and list B contains invoice details.

Use additional lists to maintain customer numbers, product numbers, nk.

Use a content query web part (in MOSS only) and/or a data view web part to create merged views of the lists. SQL Server Reporting Services (SRS) is also available for the reporting side of it.

Hata hivyo, there are some important limitations that will make it difficult to use pure out-of-the-box features for anything that is even moderately complex. These include:

  • Size of related lookup lists vs. "smartness" of the lookup column type. A lookup column type presents itself on the UI differently depending on whether you’ve enabled multi-select or not. In either case, the out-of-the-box control shows all available items from the source list. If the source list has 1,000 vitu, that’s going to be a problem. The lookup control does not page through those items. Badala yake, it pulls all of them into the control. That makes for a very awkward user interface both in terms of data entry and performance.
  • Lookups "pull back" one column of information. You can never pull back more than one column of information from the source list. Kwa mfano, you cannot select a customer "12345" and display the number as well as the customer’s name and address at the same time. The lookup only shows the customer number and nothing else. This makes for an awkward and difficult user interface.
  • No intra-form communication. Nimeandika kuhusu hili hapa. You can’t implement cascading drop-downs, masharti kuwawezesha / afya ya mashamba, nk.
  • No cascading deletes or built-in referential integrity. SharePoint treats custom lists as independent entities and does not allow you to link them to each other in a traditional ERD sense. Kwa mfano, SharePoint inaruhusu kujenga orodha mbili desturi, "customer" and "invoice header". You can create an invoice header that links back to a customer in the customer list. Kisha, you can delete the customer from the list. Nje ya boksi, there is no way to prevent this. To solve this kind of problem, ungependa kawaida kutumia handlers tukio.

Inaweza kuonekana hatarini, but I would still use SharePoint as a starting point for building this kind of functionality. Though there are gaps between what you need in a solution, SharePoint unatuwezesha kujaza mapengo wale kutumia zana kama vile:

  • Event handlers. Use them to enforce referential integrity.
  • Desturi nguzo: Create custom column types and use them in lieu of the default lookup column. Add paging, buffering na makala AJAX kuwafanya msikivu.
  • BDC. This MOSS-only feature enables us to query other SharePoint lists with a superior user interface to the usual lookup column. BDC can also reach out to a back end server application. Use BDC to avoid replication. Rather than replicating customer information from a back end ERP system, use BDC instead. BDC features provide a nice user interface to pull that information directly from the ERP system where it belongs and avoids the hassle of maintaining a replication solution.

    BDC ni hulka MOSS (si inapatikana katika WSS) and is challenging to configure.

  • ASP.NET mtandao fomu: Kuunda full-featured AJAX-enabled fomu kwamba anatumia kitu SharePoint mfano wa kuigwa na / au huduma za mtandao na orodha SharePoint kujiinua wakati kutoa msikivu sana user interface.

hatua ya mwisho inaweza kuhisi kama wewe ni kuanzia mwanzo, lakini kuzingatia ukweli kwamba jukwaa SharePoint kuanza wewe mbali na makala muhimu yafuatayo:

  • Usalama mfano wa kuigwa na matengenezo ya.
  • Mfumo menu na matengenezo ya.
  • "Master table" (i.e. desturi orodha) na usalama, kujengwa katika matengenezo na ukaguzi.
  • Kutafuta.
  • Nyuma mwisho zana ushirikiano (BDC).

Kama wewe kuanza na mradi mpya katika studio ya Visual tupu, una mengi ya miundombinu na mabomba ya kujenga kabla ya kupata karibu na nini SharePoint inatoa.

I do believe that Microsoft intends to extend SharePoint in this direction of application development. It seems like a natural extension to the existing SharePoint base. Microsoft’s CRM application provides a great deal of extensibility of the types needed to support header/detail application development. Although those features are in CRM, the technology is obviously available to the SharePoint development team and I expect that it will make its way into the SharePoint product by end of 2008. If anyone has an knowledge or insight into this, tafadhali acha maoni.


5 mawazo juu ya "Utekelezaji wa Mwalimu / Undani Mahusiano Kutumia Orodha Desturi

  1. Paulo Galvin

    Raghu, I don’t think there’s any easy way to do that. Napenda kuzingatia mafunzo ya watumiaji yako wakati wa matumizi ambayo mmoja wao na labda kuwapa ladha kwa jina la aina maudhui yenyewe. Sidhani kweli unaweza msumari hii moja chini, kitaalam.

  2. Raghu aliandika:
    Mimi ni kujenga Mzazi / Mtoto realationship kwa kutumia bidhaa za aina mbili na orodha desturi kama nilivyoeleza katika commnet juu. Lakini nina tatizo; Mimi haja ya kufanya Item aina ya maudhui haupo Folder ngazi na Folder aina maudhui hazipatikani katika ngazi ya bidhaa. Tafadhali kuongoza yangu juu ya hili. Shukrani…
  3. Michael Vickers

    It’s a bit of a kludge but I use an ASP.Net dropdown which shadows the lookup "dropdown" yanayotokana na SharePoint. Mimi kumweka ASP.Net dropdown datasource msingi orodha zenye bidhaa lookup, kuniruhusu kutumia uwanja ID kama thamani na safu ya uchaguzi wangu kama maandishi ya kuonyesha. Mimi si kumfunga ASP.Net dropdown shamba lookup orodha kwa sababu inazalisha makosa server-upande.

    Juu ya mzigo ukurasa mimi kutumia javascript hawawajui thamani sahihi kwa dropdown ASP.Net, na kisha ambatisha matukio onchange na kwamba dropdown hawawajui maadili mpya SharePoint sambamba Luke dropdown. Mimi kwa kweli kuficha safu zenye SharePoint dropdown.

    Jambo la mwisho — kwa sababu ya njia SharePoint mithili goofy Luke dropdowns wakati idadi ya vitu anapata zamani 20 Mimi kutumia desturi kanga kitu kupata / kuweka thamani dropdown. Nina baada ya blog ya kina kwamba mchakato wa hapa:




  4. Daudi

    Unaweza kuunda Aina Content kwa header ankara msingi Aina Content Folder na kisha kujenga mwingine ankara Content Aina na kuongeza wote kwa orodha SharePoint. Hii katika athari inajenga uhusiano Mzazi / Mtoto ambayo itawawezesha kujenga ankara nyingi msingi ya ankara Content Aina kwamba kuishi chini ya ankara Aina Header Maudhui ambayo inakupa na uhusiano kati ya papo vitu mbili na kama ankara Header bidhaa orodha ni ilifutwa . Unaweza pia bayana kwamba Aina Content tu kupatikana kutoka ndani ya Folda fulani. Mbinu hii ni sawa na jinsi maktaba majadiliano kazi na ni msaada sana kwa aina hii ya uhusiano kati ya vitu. Tukio handlers na kanuni itasaidia pamoja na baadhi ya mapungufu mengine lakini kwa ujumla haraka rahisi ufumbuzi.


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