Kuchukua Udhibiti wa OK yako na kufuta Buttons

Niliandika makala hii nyuma wakati, lakini inaonekana kama mimi si zilizounganishwa na ni kutoka blog yangu kwa wakati, hivyo hapa huenda:


Makala hii inaelezea jinsi ya nguvu newform.aspx la kuelekeza ukurasa mmoja wakati mtumiaji Clicks OK na ukurasa tofauti wakati yeye Clicks kufuta.


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3 mawazo juu ya "Kuchukua Udhibiti wa OK yako na kufuta Buttons

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Take Control of your OK and Cancel Buttons « Paul Galvin's SharePoint Space -- Topsy.com

  2. Michael

    I have tried using your code and it works fine without a redirect on the ‘Ok’ kifungo. If I add the ‘&Source=url.aspx’ then the cancel button throws up an “invalid url” error message but then goes to the page I want it to. Mapendekezo yoyote?

    1. Paulo Galvin baada ya mwandishi

      This is an ancient comment that I managed to lose track of. Sorry! I hope you figured out what you were trying to do.


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