בייַשפּיל: קססלט שאפן HTML הרעף ס

I’ve been doing a bit of XSL stuff lately and thought I’d put together a sample for my future reference and that may be of value to all of us XSLT-ers making a living in the internets.

Consider the following XML:

<FdcSearchTabsCollection Count="2">
  <SearchTab Label="Industry" SortOrder=”00” Label=”Industries” SearchConstraints="contenttype:Industry" TabID="831b2a74-98c4-4453-8061-86e2fdb22c63"/>
  <SearchTab Label="Practices" SortOrder=”01” Label=”Practices” SearchConstraints="contenttype:PracticeGroups" TabID="678e206b-6996-421f-9765-b0558fe1a9c0"/>

The following XSL snippet will generate a sorted list of hrefs tabs:

<קססל:template match="FdcSearchTabsCollection" קסמל:space="preserve">
    <!– The "all" tab –>
    <a href="javascript:ViewTab(‘All’)">View all</אַ>
    <!– Each individual tab –>
    <!– Iterate through all the Tabs and display the correct  לינקס. –>
    <קססל:for-each select="SearchTab">
      <קססל:sort select="@SortOrder"/>

      <a href="javascript:ViewTab('{@TabID}')"><קססל:value-of select="@Label"/></אַ>
    </קססל:פֿאַר, יעדער>

    <בר /> 


Here’s what it looks like in SharePoint:





אַבאָנירן צו מיין בלאָג.

גיי מיר אויף טוויטטער בייַ http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

איינער געדאַנק אויף "בייַשפּיל: קססלט שאפן HTML הרעף ס

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