I just finished up my "Wild West" גאַווערנאַנס פּרעזענטירונג דאָ אין די שאַרעפּאָינט בעסטער פּראַקטיסעס זיצונג און איך איז געווען געבעטן צו פּאָסטן מיין רוק דעק צו מיין בלאָג, אַזוי דאָ עס איז: הטטפּ://cid-1cc1edb3daa9b8aa.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/SharePoint/Paul% 20גאַלווין% 20ווילד% 20וועסט.זיפּ
(אנטשולדיגט פֿאַר די וויאָלאַ וויץ!)
גיי מיר אויף טוויטטער בייַ http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
In reading through, and attempting to use, the information you provided in a past (12/2/2008) article titled “Creating a SharePoint site map using out-of-the-box features” I ran into a couple of problems following your instructions. One specific issue was with removing the “Item content type from the list of managed content types”. I have not been able to figure out exactly how this is accomplished and was wondering if you would be open to questions on this as with other parts of your article with which I am having problems duplicating the example. I would really appreciate your help in understanding how to use the information you’ve provided. We have the need for a site map with our intranet and I believe your approach is superior to others I have researched.
אַ דאַנק,
Mike Gooldrup
To remove the item content type:
1. Go to the list’s settings.
2. Click “Advanced settings”
3. Allow management of content types
This will open up a new section in the list settings that shows the content types. It will just show the Item type. Click on it and then click “delete”. It won’t delete it from SharePoint, but it will remove it from that list. I wish they had labeled it “Remove” instead of “Delete”.
–פאולוס ג